Solapur Forest Department
Sant SakhuBai was born into a Brahmin family in Maharashtra. Her parents were religious and both were devoted followers of Lord Vithoba. SakhuBai inherited this devotion from them. When she came to age, she was married into a family near Krishna River, in a village called Karhad. However, her in-laws turned out to be quite opposite of her nature. While SakhuBai was calm, tolerant, and spiritual, her mother-in-law and husband were of a harsh temperament. She faced constant criticism and endured hardships imposed by them. Despite the difficult circumstances, she continued to chant the name of Lord Vitthal incessantly, finding solace in devotion. Her unwavering faith in Vitthal was evident to everyone around her.
One day, without revealing anything to her family, she left home and went to a pilgrimage site. Her mother-in-law and husband realized her absence and went to bring her back forcefully. Not only was she beaten for this by them but they also locked her in a room for a long time. However, even in this difficult situation, she continued her devotion to Vitthal. Seeing this awful condition of his devotee Lord Vitthal felt very bad and told Lady Rukmini about this. He took the form of Sakhubai and directly entered the room Sakhubai was kept in. He rescued her and introduced himself as a devotee of Lord vitthal and told sakhubai that he would take her place as Sakhubai and she should visit Pandharpur temple of Lord Vitthala. Sakhubai was very happy listening to this and happily agreed to do so and was very overwhelmed after seeing the statue of lord Vitthala at Pandharpur temple. She surrendered her life at the feet of Lord Vitthala after this. The news of her death had not travelled to her hometown yet and thus Lord Vitthal had to continue doing her chores as he was posing as Sakhubai. Lady Rakhumai couldn’t see his hardships and resurrected Sakhubai from the dead. During this time the news of Sakhubai being dead had travelled back to her village and saw Vitthal doing all hardship in her form for her. She was deeply moved by Lord’s love and affection for her. She told about this incident to all present, and they were astonished with the efforts god had taken and suffered hardship for his devotee. They all bowed down
in reverence. Her mother-in-law and husband, overwhelmed by guilt, sought her forgiveness and surrendered to Lord Vitthal
स्वयंपाकात स्वाद आणि सुगंधासाठी याची पाने वापरली जातात.
स्वयंपाकात स्वाद आणि सुगंधासाठी वापरली जाणारी तुळस. याची उंची अतिशय कमी असते. याची पाने लहान व लंबगोलाकार असतात. पानांचा पृष्ठभाग हा थोडा खडबडीत असतो. पाने चुरल्यावर अतिशय सुंदर असा वास पसरतो
याची पाने देखील थोडी लांबट आकाराची असतात. मंद सुगंध असतो. पाने चूरल्यास लिंबासारखा वास येतो
याची पाने इतर तुळशींच्या मानाने लांब असतात. ही पाने चुरल्यास त्यांचा मारीगोल्डच्या फुलांसारखा वास येतो.
आपल्या येथे सब्जाचे झाड खास त्याच्या बियांसाठी लावले जाते. शरीराला थंडावा देणारा सब्जा उन्हाळ्यात महत्वाचा ठरतो. जागोजागी मिळणारा वर्ल्ड फेमस फालुदा, सब्जा शिवाय बनू शकत नाही. या तुळशीची पाने व बिया सरबतात घालून प्यायल्याने उष्णता कमी होते. विंचू दंशावर सब्जा तुळशीचा पाला चुरडून लावला जातो
अतिशय तीव्र असा सुवास असलेली ही तुळस विशेष औषधी आहे. याची फुले लाल रंगाची असतात. पानांचा चोथा त्वचाविकारांवर वापरला जातो. तसेच न भरणाऱ्या जखमांवरही हा पाला लावला जातो. जंगली पद्धतीने वाढणाऱ्या या तुळशीचे ‘रान तुळस’ असेही नाव आहे
या तुळशीचे खोड, पाने, व मंजिऱ्या कमी-अधिक प्रमाणात गडद जांभळ्या रंगाची असतात. उन्हात वाढलेल्या व जुन्या झाडांमध्ये हा रंग जास्त ठळकपणे उठून दिसतो. याच तुळशीला ‘काळी तुळस’, असेही संबोधले जाते. या तुळशीचे पाने खाल्ल्याने सर्दी-खोकला, ताप यावर लवकर आराम मिळतो
राम तुळस ही मोठ्या पानांची, उंच व रानटी पद्धतीने वाढणारी तुळस आहे. याची पाने पोपटी रंगाची असतात. या तुळशीच्या पानांना लवंग सदृश, मसालेदार असा सुवास येतो. पोटाच्या विकारांसाठी ही तुळस उपयुक्त आहे. या तुळशीला ‘लवंगी तुळस’, असेही संबोधले जाते